Format: CD
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15.70 €

Looking back to the first album in 2007 the sound and songwriting have taken enormous leaps with every album. All striving pushing excelling to capture the true essence and sound Kalle Wallner has in mind at that time. His growth as a musician and as a human being have now found their outlet and climax in Preaching to the Choir. While almost all of the material still stems from Kalle the input from the other members - Scott Balaban (vocals) Julian Kellner (guitar) Sebastian Harnack (bass) und Michael Christoph (drums) - is apparent. As congruent styles mix new sides to the music emerge: an uncompromising straight-forwardness a chest pounding uncontainable wild strength counterbalancing the fine sense of melancholy and contemplation. They re a rock band with all guns blazing yet grown-up enough to take their finger off the trigger at just the right moments. There is no loud without silent no hard without soft.