Format: CD+DVD
Barcode: 0886922630224
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18.50 €

The history of UNANTASTBAR is influenced by loud music, lots of fun and a great friendship between band and fans. Despite all the fun, rebellion is still the motto of the musicians from South Tyrol. And they do not just talk; with every lyric and every crackling live concert, this attitude towards life comes across. Looking back, the family UNANTASTBAR has started like any other band. Deprivation and engagement allowed them to use every opportunity to perform. No matter whether it was a small club or bar; along as there was beer and a place for sleeping bags, it was good enough. This way, the German speaking countries were slowly infected with the virus UNANTASTBAR. Bit by bit, the band formed itself into a consistent band; which is a good way to continuously work on the development and the professionalism of the group on its way up. As usual, the motivation and hard work pays off. Now, UNANTASTBAR is for sure part of the big league in this genre. Nevertheless, the band has never forgot their roots and where they came from. This is noticeable in every lyric and every note. There is no commercialism; just an honest attitude towards life that is presented.