Raven teams up with world renown assassin Morgan to seek revenge on her former employer, The Foundation, for not letting her bring closure to her beloved Uncles death. The Foundation put Raven in their sights because she went rouge, a policy that her lover, Naci, tried to change. Morgan and Raven organize an auction that bring together world leaders and a rouge scientist, Falcon-X, who will sell to the highest bidder, an advanced breakthrough in travel. Things don't go as planned at the auction, Raven must protect Falcon-X and hide him. During their travels to Raven's bunker, Falcon-X reminds her of something very important. Raven's uncle Bill, although passed, sent her a signal in old film clip that saves her life. She must protect herself and all those around her, after the devastation Morgan creates in her life. Raven must find out the reason for her uncle's death and who's really on her side. She, along with her deceased uncle, put an end to, Raven Gone Rouge.