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Tell the Truth About Adultery is a story of love, betrayal, and hope. The refreshingly honest words of Sheila Smith tell the heart-wrenching tale of betrayal and adultery, an old, old story repeated often through generation after generation. Yet, its nuances are rarely spoken out loud, especially within the context of the Church. Instead, they are whispered and shushed up and down the aisles of sanctuaries, mainly to protect the predominantly male hierarchical leadership.Sheila unabashedly speaks about a legacy of artifice and deceit perpetrated by her pastor, who happened to be her husband as well. Nevertheless, her story does not get stuck in the ditch of victimhood, but instead, her readers are drawn to navigating with her the winding road to post divorce and recovery.Names have been changed, except for the author's, to help readers focus on the story and not the characters.