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The purpose of this book is to determine the intrinsic factors that have made the 45th president among the unstable, if not most autocratic, in the nation's history. Trump's authoritarian tendencies are on par with Putin, Jong-Un, al-Assad, and Hitler. He is at this time being somewhat restrained by our Constitution. Yet, this authoritarianism is steadfastly breaking down our checks and balances, as well as institutions that protect our democracy, like the Justice Department, FBI, and judiciary. He has bullied the Republican Party into pledging loyalty to his autocratic, partisan, rule over what is best for the nation. This book presents the argument that Trump prefers being treated like an European royal whereby his subjects, rather than citizens, bow to his will. The book begins with an examination of Trump's God-Emperor Complex or megalomaniac authoritarian tendencies that have threatened the rule of law. It analyzes why these tendencies have become so dangerous to our democracy. His degrading mental state along with affection with dictators and implications are perused. The causes for this degradation and evident signs and symptoms are identified. The attempt to cover-up this problem is scrutinized and its impact is examined. Options are suggested because it is evident that the Republican Party which is in control of the government is unwilling to hold President Trump accountable. Trump's Andrew Dice Clay and Archie Bunker Reality Television Persona is analyzed. His tendency to use racist, misogynist, and crude language that have demeaned respect for the presidency is examined. Intrinsic factors and politically incorrect politics are linked as causes for Trump's abnormal behavior. The appeal of Trump's uninhibited male ego to sycophants is examined. His dog-whistle, race-baiting, tribal politics have animated white racial fears. Trump believes he should be credited as a stable genius with a leadership style that divides the American people and primarily appeal to the president's partisan base. His style is directed by Fox News and other conservative conspiracy outlets than vice versa. The book describes why these assertions about Trump's leadership from behind the Alt-Right Movement is a threat to our cherished rights and liberties.