Limited colored vinyl LP pressing. Back in 2006, Richard Linklaters film adaptation of Philip K Dicks sci-fi novel A Scanner Darkly was greeted with suspicion. No one had done justice to the quot;masterquot; (Bladerunner, Minority Report, Total Recall, The Adjustment Bureau had or have all met with mixed reviews). And, movies attempting to conjure up the effects of drugs were met with derision from the stoned cognoscenti. How could a story of dependence on Substance D (quot;Deathquot; for short) be created with multi-million dollar stars in the frame anyway? Linklater had a plan; Hed use rotoscoping (an effect that falls somewhere between Kiki Picassos sketches brought to life and Disney on ludes). The celebrities would be shrouded in mystery, in fact Keanu Reeves skin suit would make him almost invisible at times, a mumbling wreck swaying center stage. A waste of talent? A waste of money?