Format: Joystick
Barcode: 3362932913771
Artist: Thrustmaster
Label: Thrustmaster
1 day
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Shipping time extimated from 17/03/2025 to 19/03/2025.
1,341.17 €

EXCELLENT JOYSTICKInnovative new HEART HallEffect AccuRate Technology adopted by the replica joystick features 3D magnetic sensors (Hall Effect) 16-bit resolution (65536 x 65536 values) and 5 coil spring system (firm linear and fluid tension with no dead zones) for surgical precision control 19 action buttons in total and one 8-way &8220;point of view&8221; hat along with new realistic pressure on buttons and trigger enable experience identical to what you get in actual plane The detachable handle crafted entirely of metal is compatible with HOTAS COUGAR and the metal plate is also detachable for desk- or cockpit-style useDUAL REPLICA THROTTLESInnovative new HEART HallEffect AccuRate Technology adopted by the replica dual throttles features 3D magnetic sensors (Hall Effect) 14-bit resolution (16384 values) on each throttle for surgical precision control 17 action buttons in total 1 mouse hat with push button one 8-way &8220;point of view&8221; hat along with new realistic pressure on buttons and trigger enable experience identical to what you get in actual plane Switching to the Idle and Afterburner detents is carried out via a Pull and Push system for even greater realism The Afterburner detent is disengageable allowing users to perfectly adapt the throttle control to the type of airplane they are pilotingSTABLE CONTROL PANELThe control panel a weighted base (over 3kg) incorporated underneath the throttles features 15 action buttons in total 1 TRIM wheel and a number of push buttons with realistic pressure to bring pilot experience identical to that on a real airplane Backlit functions and 5 programmable LEDs enable easier viewing in low light environmentTARGET (THRUSTMASTER ADVANCED PROGRAMMING GRAPHICAL EDITOR) SOFTWAREThe innovative TARGET software is designed to test configure and program Thrustmaster controllers HOTAS WARTHOG MFD Cougar HOTAS Cougar and T16000M It features multiple programming levels (Basic Advanced and Script) and uses Drag and Drop principle providing extreme convenience and ease of use.