Format: LP
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24.08 €

Slightly more than one year has passed since we debuted the Cardiff-based duo Plastic Estate s first single This Place and we all know what happened meanwhile. Plastic Estate have masterfully used this year to write their first full-length album and we at Avant! Couldn t be happier to bring it to you. Ten new songs that shine a light on the duo s impressive skills to juggle between the heritage of lost golden era and the pressing presence of the here and now as well as electronic dance elements and acoustic instruments ending up sounding classic and contemporary at once. Check out Out of Reach and it s crystal-clear synth-pop radiance or one whirlwind dancefloor filler such as There Must Be More Than This juxtaposed with the romantic intimacy of Berlin or Divinely Impaired s elegant somberness. Dive into the imaginary memoirs of a Sophisti-pop era with Antique Days and then resurface nowadays with the hypnagogic club notes of The Difference. We can even feel some Stone Roses-like vibe in the album s last track Change Your Mind but maybe it s just us. What s for sure is that if you liked their 7-inch single you will love their album.