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My love for baroque music has never been exclusive. Of course I am attracted by period instruments, but that has never been an end in itself. For me, it is simply a matter of always moving further towards the truth, towards a fresh interpretation." As idiomatic and revelatory in Bach, Handel, Purcell, Rameau and Campra as in Gluck, Berlioz, Offenbach, Chabrier and Massenet, Sir John Eliot Gardiner is a conductor whose passion and curiosity for music seem as inexhaustible as his enterprising spirit. This 64CD set unites his entire discography for Erato, EMI and Virgin, produced over a period of nearly 20 years. Many of the recordings cast new light on the repertoire, expanding Gardiner's influence and enhancing his reputation as the guiding force of the Monteverdi Choir and Orchestra, English Baroque Soloists, and Orchestre de l'Opéra de Lyon. As the Financial Times has written .What Gardiner demonstrated.. is that stylistic fidelity is a movable feast, and he has not lost his hunger for it." Track List: Disc: 1 1. ? Purcell: Come ye sons of art (Ode for Queen Mary's birthday, 1694), Z 323 2. Purcell: Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary, 1695 3. Handel: Dixit Dominus, HWV 232 4. Handel: Coronation Anthem No. 1, HWV258 'Zadok the Priest' 5. Excerpt, Rameau: Les Fêtes d'Hébé 6. Handel: The Ways of Zion do mourn, HWV 264 7. Massenet: Scènes dramatiques 8. Massenet: Scènes de féerie 9. Massenet: Scènes alsaciennes 10. Massenet: Scènes pittoresques 11. Massenet: Don Quichotte: Interlude No. 1 12. Massenet: Don Quichotte: Interlude No. 2 13. Handel: Israel in Egypt, HWV54 14. Purcell: The Tempest, Z631 15. Purcell: The Indian Queen, Z630 16. Campra: Messe de Requiem 17. Handel: L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato 18. Bach, J S: Motets, BWV225-230 19. Bach, J S: Motet BWV118 'O Jesu Christ, mein Lebens Licht' 20. Bach, J S: Motet BWV118 'O Jesu Christ, mein Lebens Licht' 21. Handel: Concerti grossi Op. 3 Nos. 1-6, HWV312-317 22. Handel: Water Music 23. Bach, J S: Cantata BWV4 'Christ lag in Todesbanden' (Easter Cantata) 24. Bach, J S: Cantata BWV131 'Aus der Tiefe rufe ich, Herr, zu dir' 25. Handel: Semele 26. Gluck: Don Juan 27. Purcell: Hail! Bright Cecilia (Ode for St Cecilia's Day 1692), Z328 28. Monteverdi: Tirsi e Clori, ballo concertato (Book 7) 29. Monteverdi: Lasciate i monti 30. Monteverdi: Vieni, Imeneo (from Orfeo) 31. Monteverdi: Ecco pur ch'a voi ritorno (from L'Orfeo) 32. Monteverdi: Moresca (from Orfeo) 33. Monteverdi: De Le Bellezza (from Scherzi Musicali) 34. Monteverdi: Il Ballo delle ingrate, SV 167 35. Monteverdi: Volgendo il ciel (Ballo ‘Movete'), SV 154 36. Rameau: Dardanus Suite 37. Rameau: Les Boréades 38. Bach, J S: Orchestral Suites Nos. 1-4, BWV1066-1069 39. Bach, J S: Dir, dir, Jehova, will ich singen, BWV299 40. Purcell: King Arthur, Z628 41. Scarlatti, A: Stabat Mater 42. Cavalli: Salve Regina 43. Gesualdo: Ave, Dulcissima Maria 44. Clemens: O Maria vernans rosa 45. Handel: Alcina: ballet music 46. Handel: Il pastor fido: ballet music 47. Handel: Terpsichore: ballet music 48. Chabrier: L'Étoile 49. Handel: Tamerlano 50. Leclair, J-M: Scylla et Glaucus 51. Schubert: Symphony No. 8 in B minor, D759 'Unfinished' 52. Schubert: Symphony No. 9 in C major, D944 'The Great' 53. Bizet: Symphony in C 54. Bizet: L'Arlesienne Suites 1 ; 2 55. Berlioz: L'Enfance du Christ, Op. 25 56. Messager: Fortunio 57. Gluck: Iphigénie en Aulide 58. Purcell: Timon of Athens, Z632 59. Purcell: Dioclesian Suite 60. Offenbach: Les Brigands 61. Couperin, F: Apothéoses: Le Parnasse ou L'apothéose de Corelli, Grande Sonade, en Trio 62. Couperin, F: Concert dans le goût thétral 63. Couperin, F: L'Apothéose de Lulli.