Category 7 (Turquoise Black Marbled Vinyl

Format: LP
Barcode: 0039841608878
Artist: CATEGORY 7
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31.18 €

Category 7Category 712 Album Coloured VinylGenre: MetalLabel: Metal BladeDescription: With veteran musicians from such legendary bands as Anthrax Armored Saint Adrenaline Mob Machine Head Overkill Exodus and Shadows Fall it's hard not to think of Category 7 as a supergroup. 'I think we're pretty super' jokes guitarist Phil Demmel who has earned mega-metal cred over the decades as a member of Machine Head Vio-Lence Kerry King and has also played as a fill-in road guitarist for Slayer Lamb of God Overkill and others. 'Really I feel like this is a band not a side project. And I feel like we have written this incredible piece of music and we're not done. I'm so proud of the way this came together and the people who were involved. And I think we all feel super positive about this and what else we can do with it going forward'. The songs on the band's self-titled debut speak for themselves. As crushing and confrontational as an armed rebellion as rhythmically thunderous as a storm of golf ball-sized hail and as fiercely melodic as infectious riffs and aggressive vocals can be Category 7 is a new breed of metal that lives up to the storied histories of its members.