Format: XBOX game
Barcode: 5030939123469
Artist: Electronic Arts
Label: Electronic Arts
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47.04 €

Console Game Star Wars: Squadrons - Xbox One:78%Star Wars: Squadrons is a fun action sim from the Star Wars universe that should easily please both Star Wars fans and those who like the simulation genre as a whole. The Canadian development studio Motive has created a fine action title with a solid story campaign, fun gameplay, and a quality multiplayer component, which could have done with a few more game modes and maps. (Alza Magazine)Experience epic fighter battles from the Star Wars universe. Which side will you take?Star Wars: Squadrons will offer an extensive range of customisation options for both your pilots and space fighter.Iconic Fighters on Both SidesTest your flying skills in the now legendary space fighters. The X-Wing, A-Wing, U-Wing and Y-Wing await you, each with a different combat role. Bombers destroy giant cruisers, fighters escort them and support ships provide additional protection.A Space Simulator With All the TrimmingsStar Wars: Squadrons puts the emphasis on fun gameplay, but will also please simulation fans. You decide which systems to pump energy into and which to leave out. Make your decisions quickly, though, as a hesitation in multiplayer mode means a quick wipeout and a lost point for your side.Empire vs RebelsWhichever side you join, Star Wars: Squadrons promises adrenaline-pumping fighter battles in several online modes.TIE planes roar their familiar roar and strike fear into the Empires enemies.Youll also see modifications and upgrades to the cockpits of the ships. Smash your opponents with an Ewok keychain dangling from your helmet!After Return of the JediIn addition to the online mode, Star Wars: Squadrons also offers a story campaign. The Battle of Endor ends victoriously for the Rebels and the second Death Star is destroyed. Will you join the side of the humiliated Empire, or will you throw yourself into the purge in the shoes of a Rebel Alliance pilot? The story promises a wide variety of different characters as well as some familiar faces.