Format: Racing wheel for PS4/PS5/PC
Barcode: 3362934110031
Artist: Thrustmaster
Label: Thrustmaster
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Shipping time extimated from 03/03/2025 to 05/03/2025.
1,341.17 €

Steering Wheel Thrustmaster T300 Ferrari Integral Racing Wheel Alcantara Edition:Premium steering wheel with pedals Thrustmaster brand is the official replica of the steering wheel Ferrari 599XX EVO scale 8:10 and all users to ensure peak experience of playing racing games.This premium Thrustmaster racing wheel with pedals isan officialreplica of the Ferrari 599XX EVOsteering wheel in a scale of 8:10, and allows users to enjoy racing games to the fullest. The structure of the wheel is compliant with automotive standards, and two large sequential gear levers are mounted on it. The wheel has a hand-sewn coating, made from the same materials imported from Italy that are used on the original Ferrari steering wheel. Apart from the racing wheel, three adjustable metal pedals are included as well, withconical rubber brakes and a mounting system to make the whole set easy to attach to a desk.Key FeaturesAn official Ferrari 599XX EVO designForce Feedback TechnologyHEART HallEffect TechnologyA fully programmable systemRotates:270°-1080°6 + 1 buttons and aD-padPaddle shiftersbehindthe steering wheelPC, PS3 and PS4 compatibleCutting-edge TechnologyThe racing wheel featuresForce FeedbackTechnology, which ensures smooth and quiet operation with an incredibly fast response time and realistic force effect. It also boasts HEART HallEffect Technology with a contactless magnetic sensor which offers impressive precision and16-bit resolution. Thewheelis fully programmable and has 6 + 1 buttons and a D-pad, so you can easily adapt the controls to suit your needs. Last but not least, thewheel also has an internal memory for firmware updates, ensuring that userswill always have access to the latest updates.