Format: XBOX game
Barcode: 3512899123809
Artist: Focus Home Interactive
Label: Focus Home Interactive
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80.33 €

Console Game Necromunda: Hired Gun - Xbox: Off Dynamic shooterNecromunda: Hired Gun is an independent, dynamic, violent and captivating shooter set in the darkest corners of the infamous Warhammer 40,000 Hive City. Off Choose a contractAs the hitman, eliminate the most famous gangsters and mutants. The reward is decent, the dog faithful and the weapon reliable - but can you survive the hunt? Your extensive armory offers endless possibilities. Off Faithful mazel Cyber-mastiffYour body is customizable with a dozen adjustable enhancements, so you can run along the walls and jump over the abysses. The cyber-mastiff can sniff and kill enemies for you, while your anchor allows you to move quickly and agilely around a wide area.